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Thanks to our advanced technology and extensive experience in the sector, we are among the best manufacturers of customized aluminum profiles. Starting from the standard or special profiles in the catalog and not, we can modify their dimensions, up to reaching even very small dimensional tolerances, which are difficult to find on the market.

The production of made-to-measure profiles or the customization of those in the catalog are Profall's specializations, which is able to reach very small dimensional tolerances in the processing of extrusions.

The result, which has allowed us to enter the ranks of the leading custom aluminum extrusion companies, comes from the continuous investment in research and development and from the recent partnership with RCRAMERA, thanks to which we reached an advanced level of detail and precise and meticulous processing.


The profiles you can customize

You can contact Profall for any need you have regarding aluminum extrusions. As a custom aluminum extrusion company, we can guarantee:

  • custom processing of standard and special profiles in the catalog
  • creation of custom profiles, based on a technical drawing designed to meet your needs.

There are 15 main types of standard profiles in the Profall catalog:

  • square, rectangular, and round tubes
  • C, Z, and H-shaped profiles
  • half-round
  • simple and double gutters
  • square, round, flat bars, and flat bars with round edges
  • corner profiles with equal and unequal sides.

Custom aluminum extrusion companies  Custom aluminum extrusion companies   Custom aluminum extrusion companies


Special profiles include:

  • special section corners
  • vehicle borders and with screw fitting
  • joint cover with stem
  • frames
  • handrails for stairs
  • U profiles
  • furniture handles
  • glazing bead profiles
  • drip trays and splash shields
  • aluminum chisels.

Custom aluminum extrusion companies  Custom aluminum extrusion companies  Custom aluminum extrusion companies

Among the examples of customized and completely made-to-measure workmanship, we can instead mention the bicycle racks produced for the cycle areas of the city of Doha or the seven meters of profiles for a custom kitchen requested by an architectural firm.

Custom aluminum extrusion companies


Custom processes

Depending on the type of aluminum profile to be customized and its final destination, we use different types of processes, such as:

  • extrusion
  • drawing
  • blanking, drilling, and micro-drilling
  • milling
  • bending or calendering
  • surface finishes- anodizing, embossing, painting, impurity removal.

In this way, we are able to meet a wide range of technical needs of various sectors: construction, design, furniture, mechanics, electronics, electromechanics, hi-tech, and transport.


Why you should choose Profall from amongst custom aluminum extrusion companies

In addition to guaranteeing the customization of aluminum profiles through various types of processing, with Profall you can:

  • order small lots - starting from 200 Kg
  • request custom packaging and the application of your logo, bar codes, or specific identification.

We are not just a custom aluminum extrusion company. In fact, we also invest heavily in customer service which allows us to deliver profiles to you within two weeks of placing your order, quickly send you feasibility feedback, prototype and start pre-series production in a short time, and offer you technical assistance even after-sales.

Post by Roberto De Lorenzi
Sep 4, 2020 12:00:00 AM